Wednesday, November 28, 2012

le 2 novembre (a good day of repose)

le 2 novembre:

- Last night I dreamt that I lived/ worked in a construction compound, and upon waking up (within the dream) I started singing "It's been a hard day's night, and I've been workin' like a dog" and repeating just that line over and over.  This then turned into a big musical number, with all the hundred or so other compound-mates joining in.  And because of its ridged construction compound nature it was a very rough and tough dance, but including pirouettes.  So good! Also the notables in the dream include the following: Dan Mark, Aly Ahrens, and Michael Jeffrey.  Odd assortment, but still awesome!

- Went for a walk last night, a night-walk, which was awesome!  Not being able to see the ground makes even walking an adventure!  Then I came back and watched the lightning on the mountain for half an hour to an hour.  Slow paced living.

- After this, being a monk wouldn't bee too hard.  Not a lot to change...

- A great day of "repos" lifts the spirits!  Woke up after an entertaining dream (see above) while sleeping until 6h10 (!), didn't have class to prepare for, but since I have the keys to the school I still had to go in.  After opening up the school - doors, windows, and all - I spent class in the teachers' office doing work - which was nice and calm and a good place to work away from the house (finally).  I also had the opportunity to talk with some of my students to get to know them a little bit more.  I asked them such things as: what they would like to do after school, what they believed was the value of school, why they were there, who they were there for, and about their families.  They really said some amazing things.  They of course said they were there for themselves, but they also said that the importance of going to school included helping those who don't go to school and to help the future of their country and its people. They want to be doctors and mathematicians or even president! how awesome!  However it did surprise me how long it took them to think of what it was that they wanted to be.  then because the Proviseur had to leave early, he gave me more keys - the keys to "la direction" - his office.  So I closed up all the school including lowering the flag, closing all the classrooms and windows and the teachers' office - tout et tout!  Then did some peaceful reading, then ran about four miles.  Upon return, I used my bench and some cinder blocks from around my house to lift weights! Exhausting but awesome!  To feel like I have - or could have again- muscles, yes, feels good.  I then ran another 2km into town to meet up with another teacher, for who knows what, but he decided he was too busy with other things, so sent me to buy myself some bread, and I returned home.  I enjoyed a delicious Fanta impersonator, Fifa, that my host mom gave me!!  Aw, so sweet - her and the drink.  During that time of relaxing, my bud Abdoulaye came over for French lesson #2.  He unfortunately doesn't go to school but he really does want to learn French.  So we studied for about an hour- he's already picking up about 45 words! I'm very proud of him! :) ensuit, I finally took a shower - so refreshing! No matter how hot it is, that first gobelet of water is always cold! As soon as I stepped out of the shower I was greeted by an absolutely gorgeous sunset!  - then a bunch of petits.  Refreshed and feeling better prepared for the next two years!

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