Saturday, December 1, 2012

le 16 novembre (the Ole ear and Abdoulaye)

le 16 novembre:

- I'm lying in bed reposing "un peu" after school, listening to the Friday call to prayer, and I can't help but think "mmm... a little under pitch..." - Thanks St. Olaf.

- My heart breaks for my bud Abdoulaye.  Today he came over for his French revision, and while we were learning some new verbs, some girls (some of his peers that go to school) came by and taunted him because he doesn't go to school and is trying to learn French now and also because of some skin blemish he has on his forhead.  I should have done more but it's hard to know how to defend a kid in a language you don't know.  After they left and we continued, two consecutive women (one who never went to school but knows a little French and the other who's a French tearcher "au college") came by and both said "he knows nothing." "Is he learning anything?" Yes! In fact, I'm very proud of how much he knows in just a handful of informal lessons!  He can't yet rea but he knows/ understands over 50 words and can count to 100 easily (!) - in only a handful of leassons!  He really wants to learn and he's very smart!  Unfortunately he still doesn't have the French and I don't have the Pular yet to tell him that... How do you counsel a kid you can't communicate with?  Not only that, but also today a petit had stepped on his had and so it was super swollen and he couldn't make a fist.  Since words lacked, I did my best to show him I cared with my actions: continued the lesson in spite of what others had said, offered him fruit, and simply took the time to sit with him and be his friend. 

- I've never been so interested in ants and termites, but wow they are incredible!  Emense societies each member doing its part with all its strength and boy do they have strenght and determination.  I feel physically weak and weak willed watching an ant pull something over 4x its size vertically up a wall (!), fall, and just get right back after it.  And they fiercely defend their community - if you walk in their path they will attack with a furry!  A lot to be learned from these tiny creatures - and I for one have so much respect!
Here's to you, ants!

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