Thursday, December 27, 2012

le 11 decembre (dream of peace)

le 11 decembre:
- Last night I dreamt that I was named the country director (for reasons unknown or forgotten upon waking). One of my students , Adama N'Galou Barry approached me after I was distinguished as the CD;

"Monseuir, with this change in role I think I can ask you: where is peace*?"

I was surprised by her question, but was able to respond,

"Peace is in every collaboration. Peace is not yet everywhere, but it spreads each time two new people work together for a common good. It comes little by little."

It's an interesting response, and I don't think it's the usual one I would have given if I was conscious, but I like it all the same. And I'm happy to be collaborating here in Guinea and with Lycee Porekire!

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Monseuir, I keep hoping for further musings, especially after this Dream of Peace. I hope the lack thereof is only due to your being busy with the students and village life, and that you will soon find time to share more of your observations.
