Saturday, November 24, 2012

le 23 octobre (des commentaires)

le 23 octobre:

- The hardest part? Being without friends and for two years.  It's not that I don't have friends here, but at least for the moment we don't hang out or spend time together outside of school and random passings. I'm either "trop" extroverted or not extroverted enough.  I have a need to be around people but I haven't (yet) thrown myself at people.  I want to go for a walk in this beautiful place with someone or just sit around and talk about "n'import quoi." ("whatever")
But all this would be more managable if I weren't to keep thinking, "and this is for two years!?"  Two years without getting to see my friends!? Ah bon?! C'est impossible! Et puis meme quand je retournerai, ou se trouvera mes amis? Ce n'est plus facile.  ("Oh really!? It's impossible! And then even when I come back, where will all my friends be? It's not easy anymore.") But I would never quit (the Peace Corps), soo... Ca va aller. Ca doit aller!  (It'll come along, it's got to!) This is one of the reasons the first three months are the hardest, but the resolution to this problem is what makes leaving the hardest part. 

- Today even more than yesterday I was told that they (the people in my village) are going to find me a beautiful wife here and that I'm going to bring her back to the US with me. On va voir (we'll see.)

- As homework today I gave my 11eme SE/SM physics class:
1) Trouver une exemple d'une translation rectiligne ou curviligne. Find an example of rectilinear or curvilinear motion.
2) Dans au moins 2 phrases decrire ce que le respect veut dire selon vous. In at least 2 sentences, describe what respect means to you.

Ils vont apprendre plus que la physique et les mathematique seules. They're going to learn more than just physics and math.

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